June 6, 2011

MONDAY 110606


Genesis 1:1-2:3
Joshua 1-2
Ruth 1
Matthew 1

Post thoughts and meditations to comments.


  1. Genesis 1:2- this a passage that I'm sure many people look over, including myself, but I urge you to pull it io and just let it wash over you again. It's so surreal to think of the earth as a timeless shapeless void. It is impossible and then to go a step further and try to wrap our feeble minds around the idea that there was once "nothing," the wonderful presence of our Loving father has always been there for us to call upon.

    Gen 1:27- just a reminder of where to find God when we are truly struggling.
    That's enough for me right now. I'll fight my way back o later to post about Joshua or Ruth when I am a bit more coherent

    Thanks for the great idea MJ

  2. Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”

    I find it awesome that God asks Joshua, "Have i not commanded you?" To me this shows an example of how strength and courage from God is not just a blessing that it is a command to receive these gifts. I feel that this creates a more closer relationship because it requires us to be sold out for him and rely on Him completely.

  3. Matthew 1:5-6 "and Salmon the father of Boaz by Rahab, and Boaz the father of Obed by Ruth, and Obed the father of Jesse, and Jesse the father of David the king."

    After reading from the previous books (Joshua, Ruth), this one part of Jesus' genealogy is completely amazing to ponder. Each of the seemingly random stories - Rahab the prostitute who hosts and ultimately protects the spys and Boaz the kinsmen redeemer - connect in God's overarching plan of redemption that is told throughout the whole of Scripture.

    Our God is so powerful, wise, and all-knowing in the way He choses to redeem a people for Himself. He carefully orchestrated all things in history to culminate at the Cross and continues to work them out as He daily calls the lost to repentance until He returns.
