August 12, 2011

FRIDAY 110812


Genesis 46
2 Samuel 6
Psalms 75-76
Luke 1:39-80

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  1. I am reminded by these passages that God's timing is perfect, and everything happens in life according to its due course. Salvation was brought to the Jews at the right time, and Luke shows the dramatic events leading up to the births of John the Baptist and Jesus. In Genesis and 2 Samuel we see the time at which these events occurred was key for Israel and for God's people. Thinking about timing can be all sorts of confusing when we aren't sure what our next steps in life are. Hopefully, we can learn to trust God with those aspects of our life and know that He will take care of us.

  2. Luke 1: 76 "And you, child, will be called the prophet of the Most High;
    for you will go before the Lord to prepare his ways,"

    This is encouraging to me in that we are like John the Baptist called to go forth as children of God and prepare the way for Christ's triumphal entry into each person's life who will come to know the Lord. We do not know how we will be used, but God does use us whether we see all the fruits of it or not.
